TROPERO – Ivermectin 1% p/v



Antyparasite solution of Ivermectin to 1% p/v, endectocide and antiscabies injectable  for bovine and porcine.



Ivermectine ..................................... 1 g

Formulation agents csp., ...............  100 ml



TROPERO is a formulation whose active ingredient is ivermectin to a 1% concentration p/v and of persistent action for the control of bovine and porcine  parasytes of most economical impact within cattle business.

It increases the neuronal inhibition action to the level of the ventral nervous ring of  parasites which is possible due to the  gama-aminobutyric acid (GABA), in these terms ivermectine is defined as agonist of the GABA with its GABAergic action, mainly to the level of clhoryde ducts, stimulating the presinaptic elimination of this neurotransmisor.  Due to an increase in linking to the post sinaptic receptors,  chloryde duct is open increasing the intracellular conduction of the neurotransmisor hyperpollarizying it, which produces  a flaccid paralysis thus eliminating the parasite.

In nematodes the interference of nervous impulses takes place between nervous cells  whereas in artropodes this takes place between nervous and muscular cells. Secondary there exist evidences of the activity of this molecule (macrocyclic lactone ) linking also to another neurotransmisor, which is the glutamic acid.



In bovine: Gastrointestinal parasites: Bunostomum phlebotomum (adjults L3 and L4)

Cooperia oncophora (adults and L4)

Cooperia pectinata (adults and L4)

Cooperia spp (adults and L3)

Haemonchus placei (adults L3 and L4)

Mecistocirrus digitatus (adults)

Nematodirus helvetianus (adults)

Nematodirus spathiger (adults)

Oesophagostomum radiatum (adults, L3 and L4)

Ostertagia lyrata (adults and L4)

Ostertagia ostertagi (adults, L3 and L4 including inhibited larvae)

Strongyloides papillosus (adults)

Trichostrongylus axei (adjults and L4)

Trichostringylus colubriformis (adults and L4)

Toxocara vitulorum (adults)

Pulmonary parasites: Dictyocaulus viviparus (adults, L4 and inhibited larvae)

Ectoparasytes: Scabies: Cutaneous acariosis produced by: Psoroptes communis var. Bovis, Sarcoptes scabiei var bovis,  Chorioptes bovis.

Sucking lice: Haematopinus eurysternus, Linognatus vituli, Solenopotes capillatus.

Myasis. Ura: Dermatobia hominis.

Other: Hypoderma bovi, Hypoderma lineatum.

Navel myasis and castration, chewing lice, indicated  in the control of Bovicola bovis (adults), Thelazzia spp (adults), Chrysomya bezziana.


Gastrointestinal parasites:

Ascaris suum (adults and L4)

Hyostrongylus rubidus (adults and L4)

Oesophagostomum spp. (adults and L4)

Strongyloides ransomi (adults)

Trichuris suis (adults)


Pulmonary parasites : Metastrongylus spp (adults)


Kidney parasite: Stephanurus dentatus (adults and L4)


Ectoparasites: Scabies: Cutaneous acariosis prduced by Sarcoptes scabiei var. Suis.

Sucking lice: Haematopinus suis



Bovine: 1 ml by each 50 kg live weight (equivalent of 200 mcg ivermectine by kg l/w.

Do apply by subcutaneous tract in the neck muscles in front or behind the shoulder ham, using sterile needle and equipment.

Dosage table in bovine:

Upto 50 Kg................    1  ml

51 – 100 kg................    2  ml

101- 150 kg................    3  ml

l5l  - 200 kg................    4  ml

201 - 250 kg................   5  ml

251 - 300 kg................   6  ml

301 - 350 kg................   7 ml

351 - 400 kg................   8  ml

401 - 450 kg................   9  ml

451 - 500 kg................   10 ml

501 - 550 kg................   11 ml

551 - 600 kg................   12 ml


For the treatment and control of internal parasites in bovine it is recommended to develop an strategic plan with veterinary advise and consideration should be given to the category of the animals as well as type and age of the pastures and previous experiences of the ground  with defiant parasites and also to the actual environment conditions.

It is also recommended to make periodic coproparasitologic controls by counting h.p.g. of a group with accurate identification and by doing simultaneous weights.

For the control of lice it is recommended to repeat the treament after 3 weeks.

Porcine: 1 ml each 33 kg live weight (equivalent to 300 mcg/kg l/w) by subcutaneous tract over the lax skin behind the ear or in the groin (internal part of the muscle) using sterily syringes 12/6 and according to the following table:

16 kg.........0,5 ml

33 kg........  1 ml

66 kg .......  2 ml

100 kg......  3 ml

133 kg ....   4 ml

166 kg ....   5 ml

200 kg ....   6 ml

For more than 200 kg live weight apply 1 ml each 33 kg l/w.


In hogs: recommendations of use:

Sucking pigs: at one week of life and at the unweaning

Female puppy pigs: 1st birth: 7 to 14 days before service and from 7 to 14 days before birth.

Female pigs: 7 to 14 days before birth.

Colts: at least twice a year.

Castrated sheeps: when entering the ground that is to say when  fatenning starts.



Depending on the categories and  the parasitological risk and/or according to the veterinary phisician advisor

Prevention of myasis: at navel: apply 1 dose in the first 24 hours after birth.

For castration: simultaneously with this practice.

Recommendation : in both domestic species and for the control of suck-biting  mice, it is recommended to repeat treatment with an interval of 17-21 days.



In bovine: Do no send the meat from treated animals for human consumption till 35 days after last application of the product. Do not administer to producing milk animals nor even during 28 days previous to the birth.

In porcine do not slaughter treated hogs till 18 days from last treatment.




In greater doses of 10 ml it is recommended to divide it and apply in two different points.

Do not apply by other tract than the subcutaenous one.

If it happens to be accidentally  applied by endovenous tract, then there could be trembling, seizures  and coma. A psymptomatic treatment should be prescribed. There is no specific antidote.

Wash your hands after being used. Do not eat, drink or smoke during its handling.



Use steryle material and follow aseptic procedures.

Store the package in fresh place and avoid daylight keeping it inside the original package, store the remains within the original package in the same way.

The package must be eliminated by incineration or burying it because ivermectin in a free state can contaminate water streams and also injure fishes and another acuatic species.

Do avoid contact with eyes but if this is produced, wash with abundant water and consult the physician.


Intoxication National Centre T.E. 0800-333-0160


Storage: keep in original package between 4 and 30 Centigrade avoiding daylight.


NET CONTENTS 25, 50, 100, 250 ND 500 ml.






















































Laboratorios Vabriela - Sívori 5011 – Munro – Buenos Aires  CP 1605 – Argentina
Teléfono (54 – 11) 47620045)