Antibacterial, Antiphungae, Antiinflammatory and Antipruritic



 Triamcynolona Acetonide ...............................        1,0 mg

 Nistatine...........................................................            100.000 UI

 Neomicine Sulphate (Equiv to base Neomicine)..  2,5g

 Gramicidine ........................................................          0,25 mg

 Excipients c.s.p...................................................         1,0 g



The association of Neomicine and Gramicidine gives an ample action spectrum against organism Gram- and Gram+ which are responsible for great quantity of skin infectious and associated structures.

Nistative (anfiphungae antibiotic)  has an effective control against fungae  and yeasts which work as secondary infection, particularly Candida sp. (Monilia). Triamcynoloma has a minimal mineralosteroid action but a high antiinflammatory effect, therefore it notably decreases the rash  and  also the inflamatory focus, thus giving a fast and long relief.



Dermatitis: acute, by contact, exudative, pyogen, unspecified.

Ulcera by licking

Ulcera by permanent contact

Prepuce ulcera.

External othitis: acute and chronical.

Inflamatory reactions to ectoparasites.

Treatment of phistulae conducts.

Infection of anal glands in canine.

Interdigital cysts

Skin injuries

Infected wounds


Injured nipples



Two daily applications are generally enough , reducing the frequency as long as improvement is observed.

In dermatologic processes clean the affected place, remove all tissular  remains and apply a thin coat of cream.

For the treatment of othitis, the external auditive conduct should be cleaned and every remains  should be removed (serum incrustration, foreign bodies, parasites) and apply a good quantity of cream in the duct giving a soft massage to spread the product and cover the affected area.

Anal glands or cysts : Empty  the fluid inside and then fill it  with cream.

Ulceras:  clean the place, cut or shave the wool or hair surrounding the affected area and apply cream twice a day.

Allergic sores: of the nipples in milker cows, clean after milking and wash the udder before the next animal.

Dosage and duration of treatment will depend on the severity of the disease to be treated.



To indicated doses, the product is not toxic and does not produce seconday local or general effects. This preparation is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to any of its components.


PRESENTATION in plastic tubes containing 15 g.




Laboratorios Vabriela - Sívori 5011 – Munro – Buenos Aires  CP 1605 – Argentina
Teléfono (54 – 11) 47620045)