Neuroleptic sedative



Acepromazine maleate………  1,000g

Excipients c.s.p.......................          100,00 ml


Acepromazine is  a neuroleptic agent pertaining to the fenotiazine group. It has a sedation effect by depression of the cerebral stem and cerebral cortex connections.

After being medicated, animals show a decrease  in their spontaneous motor activity, a diminishing of aggresivity, excitation and anxiety.

It  increases the effect of barbiturics when administered as preanesthetic, which allows a  reduction of those and a longer effect of anesthesia.

Besides, waking up is easily done. The effects of medication are observed between 15 and 30 minutes after administration.




Sedative, neuroleptic. It facilitates handling of the animal in clinical-surgical procedures and diagnose. It is indicated to sedate excited or aggressive  animals,  to make X-rays, treatments  and transportation. Anesthetic premedication.


DOSE AND ADMINISTRATION: It is directly administered inside the mouth of the animal or dissolved in water or milk.

Canines: 0,55 to 2,2 mg/kg orally, that is, 1-4 drops/kg.  If it is necessary, dose may be repeated after 6 to 8 hours.

Felines: 1,1 to 2,2 mg/kg orally, that is 2-4 drops/kg. If it is necessary, dose can be repeated every 8 to 12 hours.


CONTRAINDICATIONS: the use of acepromaxine is relatively contraindicated in patients in hypovolemic  state or in shock.  The same applies to patients with tetanus or intoxication produced by  stricnine, due to the  effects over extrapyramidal system. 

The simultaneous administration of fenotiazine with propanolol can increase the level in blood of both drugs.

The administration of epinephrine is contraindicated as far as fenotiazine derivates are used. Nevertheless, norepinefrine can be used without risk of increasing  the hypotensor arterial  effects of fenotiazines.


CAUTIONS: The use of cepromazine will lower the dose of general anesthesic to be administered because it increases the effect of same.

The hypotensor effect should be considered. The same applies to the cardiovascular collapse secondary to  bradycardia and hypotension. Canine are more sensitive to these effects than other species.

In geriatric patients small doses were associated with a prolongued effect of the drug. Giant races  and boxers are extremely sensitive to the drug, by which it should be cautiously used and in  the lowest possible dose. It is advisable to combine acepromazine with atropine so as to avoid the bradicardysing effects of the first one.

Lower doses should be used when applied to animals with hepatic problems, cardiac or weak patients. Acepromazine does not have analgesic effect therefore a proper analgesic will be used for the pain control.

Suggested dose and warnings are in all cases subject to the consideration of the veterinary physician.  Be sure that storage conditions are adequate .

Product is not toxic if it is used according to  indicated dose.

Generally overdosage can be controlled with symptomatic treatment.

Hypotension should not be treated with epinephrine,  but with fenilpinefrine or norepinefrine.

Seizures can be controlled with barbiturics or diazepam.

Suggested antagonist for the depressing effects of the Central Nervous System produced by acepromazine is doxapram. In cases of oral massive overdose, this should be treated by intestinal emptiness, if it is possible.


Net contains: 10ml

















Laboratorios Vabriela - Sívori 5011 – Munro – Buenos Aires  CP 1605 – Argentina
Teléfono (54 – 11) 47620045)