Oxytocine 10 UI/ml - Injectable solution


It works directly over the plain muscle mass of the uterus, producing rhythmical and synchronic contractions on it.

Primary and secondary uterine atony. Acceleration of normal births. Hemorrhages post-birth. Expulsion of purulent secretion: in  catarrhal endometritis, pyometra.   Retention of the  placenta.  Adjuvant action in the treatment and recovery of uterine prolapse.  Stimulation of the post-partum milky secretion and emptiness  of mastitic udders, before antibiotic therapy.



For obstetritian use:

Mare and Cow:               75 – 100 UI IM/EV (7,5 – 10 ml)      

Female Hogs and Sheeps:30 – 50 UI IM/EV (3 – 5 ml)

Female dog:                     5 – 25  UI IM/EV (0,5 – 2,5 ml)

Female cat:                       5 – 10 UI IM/EV (0,5 – 1 ml)


Milky fluid from the mammarian gland: (START MILKING PROCESS)

Mare and Cow:               10-20  UI IM/EV (1 – 2 ml)

Female Hog and Sheep:    5– 20 UI IM/EV (0,5 – 2 ml)

Female dog:                     2 – 10 UI IM/EV (0,2 – 1 ml)

Female cat:                       1 – 10 UI IM/EV (0,1 – 1 ml)



Do not give to animals with dystocia.

Do not give to pregnant females  till the moment of birth.

Do not give to patients hypersensitive   to the drug.

Before giving Oxytocine, it is necessary to diagnose cases of hypoglucemia and hypocalcemia.

Oxytocine action is inhibited the tocolitic agents such as beta adrenergic agents, magnesium sulphate and inhallatory anesthetics.

Do not give together with steroids.



Suggested dose and warnings are submitted to the consideration  of the veterinary physician in charge.

Be sure the animal has an adequate cervix dilatation

Verify that the product inviolability system in untouched and  their storage conditions have been adequate.

In cases of endovenous administration, it has to be slowly done or by slow drop, diluting the total dose in physiological solution of Sodium Chloride.

NET CONTAIN: bottles of 10 and 50 ml.

STORAGE: Keep between 4 and 30º Centigrade.
















Laboratorios Vabriela - Sívori 5011 – Munro – Buenos Aires  CP 1605 – Argentina
Teléfono (54 – 11) 47620045)