Injectable Hepatoprotector



Tioctic Acid 5mg-ml


Equine, bovine, porcine, ovine canine and feline


It promotes hepatic function by increasing  the glucogen reserve.

ˇ      Potent antioxidant: it has a blocking action against the hazardous effect of free radicals.

It has action in many adverse or toxic reactions by drugs and xenobiotic.

It has a chelating  action in intoxications by heavy metals.

It is lyposoluble and hydrosoluble (it dissolves in water and fats), so it leaks through the cellular membranes, acting inside and outside the cell.

It is essential for the normal fulfil of the Krebs cycle.

ˇ      It increases the production of energy and decreases the fat accumulation within  the  organism.

ˇ      It has no contraindications.

ˇ      It has a wide safety margin


Hepatoprotector. Indicated in hepatic disfunctions such as Acute and chronical hepatitis. Hepatic failure, Plumb Intoxications, Mercury, Arsenic. Food intoxications, Anorexia and stress. Meteorisms and flatulence. Ketosis.



Injectable, endovenous or by deep intramuscular tract.



                   Equine and Bovine: 5 to 10 ml/100 kg

                   Ovine and Porcine: 5 to 10 ml/50 kg

                   Canine and feline: 0,5 ml/10 kg


Administer once a day, during 5 consecutive days

Repeating treatment is subject to the consideration of the veterinary physician.


PRESENTACION: 50 and 100 ml.


STORAGE: Keep between 4 and 25ēC



Laboratorios Vabriela - Sívori 5011 – Munro – Buenos Aires  CP 1605 – Argentina
Teléfono (54 – 11) 47620045)