Amoxicilline – Clavulanic Acid


Tablets containing:

Amoxicilline 50 mg – Clavulanic Acid 12,5 mg

Amoxicilline  100 g– Clavulanic Acid  25 mg

Amoxicilline 200 mg – Clavulanic Acid 50 mg

Amoxicilline  300 mg– Clavulanic Acid  75 mg


INDICATIONS OF USE: Treatment of infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to the active principles, located in digestive, respiratory, urogenital tract and skin and in soft tissues.  Indicated in wounds, abscesses, dermatitis, cellulitis,  superficial and deep pyodermia, periodontal  infections.



Administer orally.


Canine and Feline: 12,5 mg/kg

Repeat each 12 hours.


Those skin and tissue infectious such as abscesses, cellulitis, wounds, superficial pyodermia, periodontal infectious should be treated during 5-7 days or even 48 hours after symptoms are remitted.

Deep pyodermias can require treatment for approximately 21 days.

Urinary infections need a treatment period of 14 days

If no improvement  is observed  within the first 72 hours, diagnose should be reviewed.

Clavulanic acid is an inhibitor of the enzymes produced by bacteria (beta-lactamases). It  irreversibly joints  to the enzymes avoiding hydrolysis in the amoxicilline betalactamic ring . When the clavulanic acid joints to the enzyme, a chemical complex is formed  which inactivates the betalactamase.


Amoxicilline is a beta lactamic antibiotic which acts destroying  the wall of the bacterial cells because it joints to  a variety of proteins responsible for  the synthesis of the mentioned wall. The interference with such proteins produces death and  lysis of the bacterias. The joint is  produced with specific objectives of the internal surface of the bacterial cellular membrane, the PBPs, enzymes (transpeptydases, carboxypeptidases and endopeptydases) involved in terminal stages of the bacterial wall connection and in the modification of the mentioned wall during the cellular division. As a result of the union, enzymes are inactivated. Inactivation can cause direct cellular death, with lysis  or activation of autolytic enzymes.



The administration  to hypersensitive animals to the active principle

The administration to animals with septicemia or in shock stage

Horses and rabbits: this medication is generally contraindicated in these species due to a  potential disturbance of the normal gastrointestinal microflora.



Treatment should not exceed 30 days.

In some cans it can produce vomits. In these cases it is convenient to feed

the animal previously, thus diminishing the stomachal irritation.

In some animals it can produce diarrhea.



Cases  containing 1, 2, 15 to 30 blisters. Enclosed prospect..



It should be kept between 4 and 30º Centigrade, avoiding direct daylight, in a dry and hygienic place within its original package.





Laboratorios Vabriela - Sívori 5011 – Munro – Buenos Aires  CP 1605 – Argentina
Teléfono (54 – 11) 47620045)